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Published on 19/10/18

Our Pre-Prep children have enjoyed going ‘into the woods’ this term

Our Pre-Prep children have enjoyed going ‘into the woods’ this term. We have used a range of learning habits, such as responsibility, creativity and curiosity, and thinking skills to ask questions and find out about the woodland and the wildlife that lives there.

Year 1 and 2 went hunting for minibeasts at Wandlebury, using sorting diagrams to identify a range of weird and wonderful creatures. Year 1 learnt about classifying animals, thinking about the similarities and differences between animal groups whilst year 2 collected and sorted litter, wrote persuasive letters about saving our woodland and planned and carried out fair tests to find out the best conditions for growing a bean.

Our forest school and farm sessions have enhanced our learning, as always, and we have collaborated with our friends at City and Madingley pre-preps, comparing our environments. Our sustainability week took our learning to another level, where we learnt how we can ‘recycle, reuse and reduce’ to look after our world and the creatures in it. We enjoyed composting and made and sold our own apple juice with the proceeds going towards a worm composter. What a brilliant start to the Autumn term we’ve had!


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