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Published on 08/02/19

Learning important lessons about online safety at Dame Bradbury's during Digital Awareness Fortnight.

This week has seen the start of our fortnight focusing on Digital Awareness at Dame Bradbury's. This follows on from the awareness workshops that some of our children took part in with Digital Awareness UK; providing our pupils in Pre-Prep the opportunity to engage with some important safety messages. The children now have an understanding for the SAFE 5 concept. They have been thinking about who they could talk to if they heard or saw something that made them feel uncomfortable online.

Safe 5 hand

Whilst discussing various e-safety issues with our children, staff report that the children have a general degree of naivety. It is comforting to think that our children see the good in people, yet it is a concern that they are not aware of the issues with online abuse and ‘grooming’. It does perhaps raise the question of ‘are our pupils suitably informed about the dangers of online activity?’ We don’t want to scare our children or force them into growing up too quickly but we do need to ensure that they are suitable informed. They are using various online platforms and the potential for inappropriate contact with other users is there,  and it is therefore vital that they have some level of understanding.

We would advise all parents to have frank, honest conversation at home with your children. Be involved with their online world and make sure that you are one of your child’s SAFE 5! 

The Government has recently commissioned the Chief Medical Officers Report as a form of action to help combat the mental health and well-being issues caused by the over exposure of online activity. Their advice is common sense and backs up many of the messages that we have delivered over the years, such as: 

1)  No phones at the table 

2) Take regular screen breaks (2 hours minimum)

3) Keep connected devices out of bedrooms (especially at night)

4) Take a screen break before you go to bed.

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