Our approach encourages our students to build the skills and learning habits to become independent thinkers – preparing them for life way beyond school.
Our curriculum Learning Wheel is divided into the following six key areas:
Throughout our school, we use our Learning Wheel to structure our approach to each subject.
Below you'll find a more detailed overview of each stage of learning:
IT and computing is offered as a taught subject within dedicated lessons in Year 7 only. After this, IT skills are taught elsewhere through curriculum subjects.
French and Spanish are taught as core subjects in Year 7 and Year 8. In Year 9, students can drop one language and take up another - German, Russian and Mandarin. Students also take a critical thinking course, focusing on learning skills and language learning. Problem-solving and visual/spacial thinking skills are also taught as part of the Design curriculum in Year 8.
Year 9 students opt for a selection of modules in the Creative Arts and Technology. Each module - Art, Design, Drama and Music - runs for half a year and students take a module from each subject. Critical thinking modules, focusing on research skills and collaboration, are delivered to Year 9 in discrete weekly lessons. The PSHE and Citizenship curriculum is delivered through day and half-day events.
Teaching for the IGCSE syllabus in Biology, Chemistry and Physics starts in Year 9. Courses in core subjects broadly follow the National Curriculum, departing from it where appropriate to provide the stretch and challenge appropriate for our students.
Our curriculum for Years 10 and 11 provides the best possible platform for study at a higher level, prior to university entrance, and gives our students an enriched and stimulating learning experience.
English Language and English Literature are both studied to GCSE and students must choose one modern foreign language from French, German, Mandarin and Spanish. Students can opt to do study a second modern language from this list and / or an ancient language. Available as options are Latin or Classical Greek. Classical Greek is studied as an ab initio course from the start of Y10. There are options for heritage speakers of other modern languages to sit an exam in those languages.
All students will take GCSE Mathematics as well as Biology, Chemistry and Physics . We offer a choice between Triple Science, leading to three separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, or the Co-Ordinated Science course, leading to two GCSEs covering reduced content across all three sciences. Students can choose to study Computer Science as a GCSE course.
Courses in Geography, History, Classical Civilisation and Religious Studies are all offered in the options. Students are advised to take at least one Humanities subject as part of their GCSE courses.
Art, 3D Design, Design and Technology, Drama and Music are also all optional subjects. Students are encouraged to include a creative or performing subject in their options if possible.
All students continue with Physical Education as part of the Enrichment programme. In addition, it is possible to choose GCSE PE as one of the student's options.
It is typical for students to study 10 GCSEs but it may be in the best interests of a student to study 9 instead. The Head of Year for Y9 will advise on what would be best for students on an individual basis.
In addition to our core curriculum (English, Maths, Science and a Modern Language) students will be able to choose a further 3 or 4 subjects from the list below (depending on whether they have opted for Science as the Triple Science course worth 3 GCSEs or the Co-ordinated Science course worth 2 GCSEs)
Art and Design
Classical Greek
Classical Civilisation
Computer Science
3D Design
Design and Technology
Mandarin Chinese
Physical Education
Religious Studies.