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History is a people-centred subject. You study how people behaved in the past, discuss how far their actions resulted from their moral or religious beliefs and see what the pursuit of power did to nations and individuals.

OCR H505

Students in A level history classWe discuss how far people’s actions resulted from moral or religious beliefs and question what the pursuit of power has done to nations and individuals. This enables us to question whether people’s lives were shaped more through the actions of their leaders than the wider forces of social and economic change. Through the study of history, you will gain an understanding of problems afflicting the modern world such as aggressive nationalism and religious conflict, as well as understand more about how we come to be who we are today.

As well as encouraging you to think about both the past and the present, studying A Level History helps develop valuable skills, including the ability to absorb a large amount of information, to present it with clarity and discrimination, to write with fluency, to have critical powers of analysis and to work in a self-disciplined manner.

Beyond the classroom 

We offer the opportunity to participate in a range of trips to develop your knowledge and understanding of the past. Recent trips have included overseas visits to Berlin as well as attendance at study days in London and History seminars in Cambridge. Our weekly History Society discusses a variety of aspects of history, and also enables students to take the lead in running sessions on different topics of interest.

Course content

  • British unit – England 1547-1603 - An enquiry based unit exploring the Mid-Tudor Crises 1547-1558.
  • Non-British unit - Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963.
  • Thematic unit - Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964.
  • Exploring the reigns of Tsars and communist leaders of Russia and their impact.
  • Independent investigation - A coursework unit, where students independently research and produce a coursework essay with supervision.


  • British Unit – 90 mins (25%)
  • Non British Unit – 60 min (15%)
  • Thematic Unit – 150min (40%)
  • Coursework – 3,000 - 4,000 word essay (20%)